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Science and Environmental Health Network Speakers’ Bureau

Staff members of the Science and Environmental Health Network are available for speaking engagements nationally, including Executive Director Carolyn Raffensperger, Science Director Ted Schettler, Legal Director Joseph Guth and Associate Director Katie Silberman.SEHN staff speak widely about a broad range of topics, with a unique combination of verve, passion, and intellectual depth. We have addressed audiences from small meetings to concert halls of several thousand.

Carolyn Raffensperger, M.A., J.D.  Carolyn Raffensperger is Executive Director of the Science and Environmental Health Network. A widely sought-after speaker with a dynamic, engaging style, Carolyn is known as a national expert on the precautionary principle and currently uses the principle as a springboard to evolving ideas such as Guardianship of Future Generations.

Carolyn speaks nationally and can tailor a presentation to your group's needs, focusing on:

  • the present and future of the precautionary principle
  • science and ethics
  • transforming the law for the ecological age
  • guardianship of future generations
  • environmentalism and spirituality
  • emerging technologies such as nanotechnology and genetically modified organisms
  • sustainable agriculture and its role in an ecological future

Ted Schettler, M.D., M.P.H.  Ted Schettler is Science Director of the Science and Environmental Health Network, and a leading medical voice for environmental health and preventative action. Ted focuses especially on the complexities of public health -- including the interaction of environmental contaminants, nutrition, and social stressors such as poverty and lack of health care -- and the future of medicine and healing.Ted speaks frequently before medical groups, elected officials, and community groups nation-wide on:

  • environmental health, ecological health, and the precautionary principle
  • science and ethics
  • scientific uncertainty and preventive action
  • ecological medicine
  • environmental justice and cumulative impacts
  • emerging technologies such as nanotechnology and genetically modified organisms

Joseph H. Guth, J.D., Ph.D  Joe Guth is SEHN’s Legal Director. Possessing both a law degree and a doctorate in biochemistry, Joe is a leading source nationally as a speaker who can explain both science and the law -- and the interchange between them -- in a clear, comprehensible fashion. Joe's work focuses on transforming the law to promote preservation of the Earth. He is an outspoken advocate for creating a legal system that will not accept environmental destruction as a byproduct of economic growth.Joe is particularly sought after as a speaker for law schools, legal symposia and other academic settings, as well as testifying before government bodies. He speaks locally in the San Francisco Bay Area and nationally, on:

  • green chemistry and chemicals policy, including the Kids' Safe Chemicals Act, and the European Union's REACH
  • precaution and environmental health
  • science and ethics
  • transforming the law for the ecological age
  • the economic costs of environmental degradation
  • environmental justice and cumulative impacts
  • scientific uncertainty and preventive action

Katie Silberman, JD Katie Silberman is SEHN's Associate Director. Her work has focused on children's environmental health, community activism, toxics policy, and practical advice for families on "going green."She is available to speak on such topics as:

  • babies' and children's environmental health
  • the precautionary principle and our health
  • "going green" at home and as an advocate

To schedule a SEHN speaker at your event, please contact Carolyn Raffensperger or phone 515-268-0600. Rates are based on size of group and budget of host organization.

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