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The Networker

The Networker


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The Networker: Encourages the practice of science in the public interest and the accurate interpretation of scientific information; Identifies information, ethical concepts, and logic that have the potential to provoke essential change; and helps communities, organizations, and governments develop and implement sound environmental policies.

SEHN's, The Networker, covers political, economic, philosophical, scientific and social issues related to the environment and public health. Articles are written by SEHN staff as well as a broad diversity of contributing authors. 

Please click on any of the issues below to visit archived editions of The Networker and Rachel's Precaution Reporter.

The Networker: Archive

May 2024 Networker: The Right to Bodily Integrity and Sovereignty
Volume 29 (5)

April 2024 Networker: Interrupting Industry Interference
Volume 29 (4)

March 2024 Networker: Radioactive Exposures
Volume 29 (3)

February 2024 Networker: Clean Water for Future Generations
Volume 29 (2)

January 2024 Networker: Not On Our Watch
Volume 29 (1)

November 2023: We Are The “Ologists” Fixing What Other “Ologists” Broke
Volume 28 (11)

October 2023 Networker: Addressing the Polycrisis and Navigating a World in Turmoil
Volume 28 (10)

September 2023 Networker: Books, Bans, and Climate Change — No Excuse for Business as Usual
Volume 28 (9)

August 2023 Networker: The Rippling Effect—Climate Change and Our Water Cycle
Volume 28 (8)

July 2023 Networker: Restoring Our Climate
Volume 28 (7)

Our Mid-Year Harvest
Volume 28 (6)

May 2023 Networker: On What We Bury
Volume 28 (5)

April 2023 Networker: A Fracked Nation
Volume 28 (4)

March 2023 Networker: Keeping Track of Trains
Volume 28 (3)

February 2023 Networker: Roadmaps from Voices Both Familiar and New
Volume 28 (2)

January 2023 Networker: Holding Fast to Our Commitment to Future Generations
Volume 28 (1)

November 2022 Networker: The Worlds Beneath Our Feet
Volume 27 (9)

October 2022 Networker: A Pipeline of Violence
Volume 27 (8)

September 2022 Networker: Anchoring Ourselves in Storied History
Volume 27 (7)

July/August 2022 Networker: Building Bold Solutions
Volume 27 (6)

June 2022 Networker Part 2: Fracking is Injustice
Volume 27 (5)

June 2022 Networker Part 1: The Tree of Life Holds the Scales of Justice
Volume 27 (4)

May 2022 Networker: Alligators All The Way Down
Volume 27 (3)

April 2022 Networker: Singing In Dark Times
Volume 27 (2)

February 2022 Networker: Preventing the Preventable Suffering
Volume 27 (1)

2021 in Review
A Look Back

October 2021 Networker: Rights to a Clean and Healthy Environment
Volume 26 (6), 2021

September 2021 Networker: The Fossil Fuel Industry’s New Rube Goldberg Scheme
Volume 26 (5), 2021

July 2021 Networker: Ecological Law and the Bold ReThink
Volume 26 (4), 2021

May 2021 Networker: New Partnership Launches to Address Fracking’s Environmental Justice and Community Impacts
Volume 26(3), 2021

April 2021 Networker: The Social Determinants of Health: What are They? Where are we Going?
Volume 26(2), 2021

February 2021 Networker: Bending the Future Towards Well-being
Volume 26(1), 2021

Winter 2020: Please Invest in SEHN’s Vital Work Today!
November 2020

November 2020 Democracy Summit: Democracy Needs a Systems Upgrade
November 2020

September 2020 Networker: Racism is a Public Health Crisis: Living in the East Phillips Arsenic Triangle
Volume 25(3), September 2020

July 2020: SEHN & The Big ReThink

April 2020 Networker: The Clarion Call of the Coronavirus
Volume 25(2), April 2020

February 2020 Networker: The Plasticene: Age of Plastics
Volume 25(1), February 2020

SEHN Statements: A Brief History
Volume 24(9), December 2019

Cheers to 25 Years! In Celebration of SEHN’s 25 Years
Volume 24(8), November 2019

November 2019 Networker: Pipelines and Pathological Decision-Making
Volume 24(7), November 2019

September 2019 Networker: Pathways to Cancer Prevention
Volume 24(6), September 2019

Tips for Activists: Analyzing and Shaping Public Budgets
Volume 24(5), August 2019

June 2019 Bold New Project: We’re Taking Action
Volume 24 (5), June 2019

June 2019 Networker: Public Money in the Public Hands for the Public Good
Volume 24 (4), June 2019

April 2019 Networker: Cancer & The Environment: A Symposium Report
Volume 24 (4), April 2019

March 2019 Networker: Chronic Kidney Disease & Scientific Uncertainty, A Way Forward
Volume 24 (3) March, 2019

February 2019 Networker: Toward A Common Agenda
Volume 24 (2) February, 2019

January 2019 Networker: The Signing of a Treaty and the Beginning of a New Year
Volume 24 (1) January, 2019

December 2018 Networker: Downstream from Los Alamos
Volume 23 (7) December, 2018

November 2018 Networker: Holding your Elected Officials Accountable
Volume 23 (6) November, 2018

October 2018 Networker: A Pipeline Update
Volume 23 (5) October, 2018

Tips for Activists:Planning and Disaster Preparedness
Volume 23 (4) August, 2018

A Pledge to the Mothers; A Pledge to the Earth
Volume 23 (3) May, 2018

The Public Trust Doctrine
Volume 23 (2) April, 2018

The Precautionary Principle, A Retrospective
Volume 23 (1) January, 2018

The Time is Now
Volume 22 (6) November, 2017

The Story of Health
Volume 22 (5) October, 2017

Show up in a Different Way! Support the work of SEHN and the Women's Congress
Volume 22 (4) September, 2017

Passion into Action! Support the work of SEHN and the Women's Congress
Volume 22 (3) Spring Appeal, 2017

Heartland: Environmental threat or promise?
Volume 22 (2) March, 2017

Hope and Politics
Volume 22 (1) January, 2017

We were made for these times
Volume 21 (7) Winter Appeal, 2016

Invest in the Future
Volume 21 (6) Winter Appeal, 2016

The Rise of the Water Protectors
Volume 21 (5) Fall 2016

The Case for Government Oversight and Regulation
Volume 21 (4) Summer, 2016

More than 8 Million Michiganders Were Poisoned
Volume 21 (3) Spring Appeal, 2016

(Mythic)Models for Protecting Environmental Health and Future Generations
Volume 21 (2) February, 2016

From our Bird's Eye View, You Rock!
Volume 21 (1) January, 2016

Volume 20 (12) Winter Appeal, 2015

Give the Gift of Health!
Volume 20 (11) Winter Appeal, 2015

Standing with Future Generations - Join Us!
Volume 20 (10) Winter Appeal, 2015

Grassroots Organizing: The Roads Home
Volume 20 (9) November, 2015

Changing the Rules of the Game: SEHN's strategic engagement with grassroots groups
Volume 20 (8) September, 2015

Summer at SEHN
Volume 20 (7) Summer, 2015

Spring fund Appeal 2015
Volume 20 (6) June, 2015

Civic Innovation: Realigning the Law with Justice
Volume 20 (5) May, 2015

The Long, Twisting Tale of Chemical Policy
Volume 20 (4) April, 2015

What's in the Pipeline: Common Cause and Joint Action, Not Oil
Volume 20 (3) March, 2015

The Transformative Power of Storytelling in Law, Science and Organizing
Volume 20 (2) February, 2015

Reconnecting Medicine with public environmental health: An Ecologic Framework
Volume 20 (1) January, 2015

Big Ideas, Feet on the Ground
Volume 19(7) Winter 2014

Resilient Earth, Healthy People
Volume 19(6) Winter 2014

The 2 Way Street with Future Generations
Volume 19(5) Winter 2014

The Rise of Women in the Environmental Movement
Volume 19(4) Autumn 2014

A Great Place to Start
Volume 19(3) Summer 2014

SEHN Celebrates Spring!
Volume 19(2) May 2014

Fracking and Health
Volume 19(1) Spring 2014

Join with SEHN to Create a Healthier World!
Volume 18(6) Holiday 2013

The Ecology of Breast Cancer
Volume 18(5) Autumn 2013

Summer at SEHN
Volume 18(4) June/July 2013

SEHN Brings Ecological Medicine into the Mainstream
Volume 18(3) April/May 2013

7 Ways to Protect Future Generations!
Volume 18(2) March/April 2013

What Actions Can We Take When We're Running Out of Time?
Volume 18(1) January/February 2013

SEHN Gives Thanks!
Volume 17(5) November/December 2012

Women's Congress for Future Generations
Volume 17(4) September/October 2012

Summer Updates
Volume 17(3) Summer 2012

Principles of Perpetual Care for Contaminated Sites
Volume 17(2) March 2012

Democracy Through Informed Consent
Volume 17(1) January/February 2012

Midnight musings at year's end
Volume 16(8) December 2011

How do we live with what we know?
Volume 16(7) November 2011

Hydrofracking and the Heinz Award
Volume 16(6) October 2011

Changing the Culture of Government
Volume 16(5) August 2011

A New Cumulative Impacts Website
Volume 16(4) May 2011

An Earth Day Gift for Parents and Grandparents
Volume 16(3) April 2011

A step forward on cumulative impacts
Volume 16(2) March 2011

California's hard lessons in chemical policy reform
Volume 16(1) Jan/Feb 2011

Year in Review
Volume 15(7) Dec 2010

The Earth and Ourselves
Volume 15(6) Oct/Nov 2010

Risk and Precaution
Volume 15(5) Aug/Sept 2010

Reflections on the President's Cancer Panel Report
Volume 15(4) June/July 2010

Unreasonable Risk
Volume 15(3) April/May 2010

Children's Environmental Health
Volume 15(2) March 2010

Women's Environmental Health
Volume 15(1) January/ February 2010

Think Like a River
Volume 14(6) Holiday 2009

Are Cell Phones Safe?
Volume 14(5) Oct/Nov 2009

Cumulative Impacts in a Finite World
Volume 14(4) September 2009

Parkinson's and Pesticides
Volume 14(3) May/June 2009

Legal Guardians for Future Generations: a Roadmap
Volume 14(2) March/April 2009

Healthy Aging Report
Volume 14(1) Jan/Feb 2009

A 2007 Model State Environmental Quality Act
March 2007

The Owl Economy
July 2006

A Networker Index on Environmental Health Costs
May 2006

Law for the Earth
March 2006

Ethical Economics
December 2004

Detox for Torts (Part II)
September 2003

Detox for Torts (Part I)
June 2003

War and the Precautionary Principle
April 2003

Attending to the Context of our Innovations
January 2003

Ecological Medicine
October 2002

Questions for Precautionary Thinking
June 2002

Science, Aesthetics, and Activism
January 2002

Democracy and the Precautionary Principle
May 2001

Summer Reading
June 2000

Public Interest Science
October 1998

The Precautionary Principle
March 1998

Precaution and Endocrine Disruption
May 1997