Big ideas. Feet on the Ground
Learn more about our community work in 2015!
Dear friend,
Our work at SEHN is diverse and complex. We’re a grassroots think-tank, moving new ideas about ecology and future generations into mainstream conversations about law, science, and medicine.
But the work that we value the most is our work with and alongside you – concerned citizens, grassroots activists, parents, and earth guardians of all stripes.
We do our best work in partnership with community groups, where we can put our ideas into practice together.
Today we invite you to learn more about this work, and help us continue to provide this crucial, collaborative support in 2015.
20 years ago, SEHN took a little known ethical principle called the precautionary principle, and made it into a powerful and enduring tool that communities and governments use to take action and prevent harm, even without absolute proof of causation.
Since those auspicious beginnings, SEHN has supported countless local grassroots groups by sharing its expertise in law, science and innovative policy – through intensive local workshops, factsheets and workbooks, and guidance and technical assistance.
We call this improvisational law and policy. Our goal is to change the rules of the game, so that future generations have a shot at inheriting a livable planet.
Each community is faced with unique opportunities and challenges. We tailor big head-lining ideas – like the precautionary principle, law for the ecological age, the public trust doctrine, guardianship of future generations, cumulative impacts, and so many more – to the community and their needs.
This coming year we will:
- Build and strengthen partnerships with organizations that are fighting pipelines and mining or fracking.
- Circulate a Kitchen Table Study Guide, that local activists can use with their neighbors to work through game changing ideas and apply them to the threats to their land, water and health. We'll also run pilot projects with our Study Guide, among community leaders from the 2014 Women’s Congress.
- Continue to ride the circuits, spending a significant amount of time meeting with activists across the US to help them change the terms of the debate, and mount successful campaigns.
With your help, SEHN can step into 2015 ready to stand with more grassroots groups. With your support, we can continue to champion game-changing ideas within broad social movements. And with your participation, we can work smarter to rebuild the structures that order our society, in service of future generations. Thank you for supporting SEHN this year!
With gratitude, Carolyn Raffensperger Executive Director, SEHN