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Antimicrobials in Hospital Furnishings: Evidence to Support Lacking

A New Report by Science Director Dr. Ted Schettler Antimicrobials in Hospital Furnishings: Do They Help Reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections?

Press Release here: Health care decision-makers should seek more evidence of safety and effectiveness before purchasing furnishings containing antimicrobials, concludes a comprehensive review released today by Health Care Without Harm. The report found very little support for the assumption that adding antimicrobials to furnishings was associated with reductions in healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). There are also limited data on the safety of the practice, yet purchase of these products is expected to increase.

Cover Page for Web ArticleThe report recommends action by health care leaders, manufacturers, and the research community – including an urgent call to better understand the risks, tradeoffs, and cost implications of adding antimicrobials to furnishings before these products are widely distributed throughout the health care environment.

The report concludes: “Evaluation of the benefits at the point of use, life cycle risks, tradeoffs, and financial implications of adding antimicrobials to products in hospitals will help product designers, purchasers, infection preventionists, and environmental services personnel make informed decisions,”…“Until then, design and purchasing decisions will be based mostly on unverified assumptions rather than objective data.”

Read the full report here.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Benn Grover, Health Care Without Harm

888-461-0112 /