Dear Friend,Spring is blooming at SEHN! SEHN's Ecological Medicine program, led by Dr. Ted Schettler, has shifted national action on health and disease. SEHN connects the health of our bodies to the health of our families, communities, ecosystems, and society. We look beyond single factors to show how multiple stressors -- including poverty, racism, diet, exposure to pollutants, and others -- influence health across the life cycle. This analysis applies to individuals, but also at the community level and even beyond to society as a whole.SEHN’s systems-focused approach has been highlighted in Yes! Magazine, the Boston Globe, and The Wall Street Journal. And we are seeing change happen on the ground.
- Asthma Conference: Earlier this month, Ted Schettler helped plan and spoke at "Primary Prevention of Asthma: A Symposium on Current Evidence, Research Needs, and Opportunities for Action," a major health conference in Boston. He talked about SEHN’s multi-factorial approach to understanding disease, integrating research across disciplines including individual, social, nutritional, and ecologic variables throughout life.
- Environmental Health Trainings: We're excited about the environmental health trainings Ted has led in collaboration with Commonweal, a non-profit environment and health research institute. These trainings focus on reproductive health, breast cancer, and healthy aging, and incorporate SEHN's ecological model of health. One of the training participants wrote, "your environmental health training opened my eyes to the possibility that I might be an advocate for a cleaner, safer world…I have used your training to support the launch of an organization that I believe will improve the environmental health of all of our children and grandchildren. The dedication and devotion of Ted Schettler…impelled me to take steps to get his message to a larger audience."
- Ecology of Breast Cancer Report: This summer, we will release a new report on the ecology of breast cancer, outlining what we know about modifiable risk factors for breast cancer and how they interact. This major new work highlights how to prevent the disease, and also what can be done to improve outcomes after diagnosis, in addition to conventional therapy. Stay tuned for more information!
We're proud that SEHN can play an important role in the environmental health movement. NGO allies, government agency staff, journalists, and others regularly turn to SEHN staff for expertise and advice. And our work is enriched by collaborations with many NGO allies, including the Collaborative on Health and Environment, HealthCare Without Harm, and the Safer Chemicals Healthy Families Coalition.We love to hear from you! Let us know what you think of this work, and thank you for your support!Here’s to a healthier future.All the Best,
Katie Silberman
Associate Director
Science and Environmental Health Network
Please consider a tax-deductible donation to support our important work to protect Future Generations!
Safer Chemicals Healthy Families Coalition
Each month, we'll feature an organization we work with and admire. This month we're highlighting the Safer Chemicals Healthy Families Coalition.The Safer Chemicals Healthy Families coalition represents more than 11 million individuals and includes parents, health professionals, advocates for people with learning and developmental disabilities, reproductive health advocates, environmentalists and businesses from across the nation. The coalition of diverse groups is united by their common concern about toxic chemicals in our homes, places of work, and products we use every day. |