Dear Katie,
I recently spent an inspiring and invigorating four days in Moab, Utah as part of the Women's Congress for Future Generations, which SEHN co-convened. Surrounded by hundreds of passionate, committed women – and the men who participated as sacred witnesses -- I felt the indisputable power of creating a vital civil rights movement for Future Generations.One product of the Congress is a set of documents, "Towards a Declaration of Rights Held by Future Generations and Bill of Responsibilities for Present Generations," currently being drafted and revised. The Women's Congress helped set these ideas into motion, but, as SEHN Board Member Rebecca Gasior Altman reflected, "what's exciting is that this has only just begun. We are creating living documents that can be added to, challenged, and emboldened in perpetuity. It's my hope that the true product that comes out of this is a tool for relationship-building, community-building, alliance-building, and movement-building."Stay tuned for the next phase of this ground-breaking project. We are so grateful for your support, which makes this work possible. Would you consider joining SEHN in our vision for a just, healthy future?
Carolyn Raffensperger
Executive Director |
Latest News
Precaution Reporter
The SEHN Networker welcomes Rachel's Precaution Reporter! SEHN has been producing the Precaution Reporter for several years, but due to the overlap in content and subscribers with the Networker, we believe the time is right to combine the two publications into one. Each issue of the Networker will now contain a "Precaution Watch" section, keeping an eye on how the precautionary principle is used in the world. Please send us your comments and ideas! |
Precaution Watch
In a compelling new article for the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Professor Julie Nelson makes the case for viewing the precautionary principle through the lens of archetypes: The Hero, The Old Wife, and The Fool.At the annual Congress of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, businesses, NGOs, and government agencies sat down to discuss implementing the precautionary principle for biodiversity. |
Yes! Magazine Features SEHN
SEHN Science Director Ted Schettler was recently featured in Yes! Magazine, in a piece entitled "Why Your Health Is Bigger Than Your Body." Highlighting Ted's systems-focused approach, the article begins: "Talking with Dr. Ted Schettler is probably unlike any conversation you have had with your physician. Raise the topic of breast cancer or diabetes or dementia, and Schettler starts talking about income disparities, industrial farming, and campaign finance reform." Read more here. |
Upcoming Events
Bioneers: SEHN Executive Director Carolyn Raffensperger and Board member Sandra Steingraber will both present at this year'sBioneers conference, October 19-21 in San Rafael, CA. This "revolution from the heart of nature" event features inspiring speakers, unparalleled networking, and a spirit of hope and possibility. Please join SEHN for Sandra's plenary talk, "The Whole Fracking Enchilada", on Sunday morning October 21, and Carolyn's workshop "Becoming Beloved Ancestors -- Building A Women-Led Civil Rights Movement for Future Generations" on Sunday afternoon. |
Ted Schettler will present two workshops at the American Public Health Association's Annual Meeting in San Francisco, October 29-31:The first, Healthy Environments Across Generations: A Lifespan Perspective, builds on SEHN's groundbreaking report, "Environmental Threats to Healthy Aging," which has been influential from the AARP to local communities.Ted's second workshop, "Environmental determinants of health across the life course: Multiple opportunities for health promoting interventions", focuses on solutions to create health in an age of environmental threats. |
Join with Us!
Do you feel called to stand for Future Generations? Do you believe the health of our bodies is intimately tied to the health of our communities, ecosystems, and our political systems? Join with SEHN and become part of our community working for lasting, systemic change. Your gift is vital to continuing this work, and we are so grateful for your support. |