Government Positions - US
Mendocino County Supervisors Adopt Precautionary Principle June 27, 2006
The Berkeley City Council passes Precautionary Principle Ordinance March 7, 2006
Emeryville CA School District Resolution for Healthy Environmentally Sound Schools 2006
New Mexico Legislature Urges the Adoption of the Precautionary Principle for State Departments 2005
San Francisco Precautionary Purchasing Ordinance June 2005
New York State Legislation April 2005
Bill A07256 To protect public health and the environment by establishing a precautionary policy for state and local governments in New York State. Summary: s-A07256.pdf Text: t-A07256.pdf
Bill A07257 To establish a preference for the purchase of commodities, services, and technologies by the State of New York that minimize potential adverse impacts on public health and the environment. Summary: s-A07257.pdf Text: t-A07257.pdf
State of Hawaii House and Senate Resolutions and Precaution 2004
Cal EPA's Environmental Justice Action Plan (PDF) October, 2004
Marin County, CA Resolution October 2004
Multnomah County, OR Resolution September 2004
San Francisco Precautionary Principle Ordinance (MS Word doc)
San Francisco Government Website (read online) June 2003
San Francisco White Paper March 2003
New York State Legislation March 4, 2003
Updates on the US position on the precautionary principle and food safety.