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Conversation with Ted Schettler, MD and Michael Lerner

New School at Commonweal.orgFebruary 1, 2008

Michael: Welcome Ted Schettler, we’re delighted to have this conversation with you today. Our topic is the implications of ecological health. And you bring a very strong background to that; you are one of the leading physicians in the environmental health, science and activist community, traveling across the country and around the world to talk about ecological health. You are one of the leading people in the science and environmental health network and also in the Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE), holding important positions with both groups and you’ve thought a great deal about ecological health. So, in order to start, because I believe that people really have to understand these stories, I wonder if you could talk for a few minutes about your personal journey from being a practicing physician to a full time scientist promoting public and professional awareness of ecological health? What drove you from a satisfying medical practice to make this major career change? (excerpt)

Read the entire transcript. [PDF]